8 March 2024
NO. 4, MARCH 2024: 'UKS' første kvinnelige medlemmer' by Øystein Sjåstad
The text UKS’ første kvinnelige medlemmer by Øystein Sjåstad is in Norwegian only. Switch to the NO page in the sidebar to read the text.
The text is one of two texts from UKS Forum No. 4, March 2024.
Find the other text here: Helt likestilt her hjemme by Kaja Breckan.
* Image above: Signe Munch Siebke, ‘Modell i rødt skjørt’ (1933). Wikimedia Commons.
* Images below:
[1] Studio photography of Knut Hamsun together with a young girl, Signe Munch Siebke according to German Wikipedia. The photograph is also reproduced at Digitalt Museum, copyright to photographer Engevig in Christiansund (Nordmøre museum’s photography collection), and according to the biography Hamsun – Svermeren by Ingar Sletten Kolloen a 32 year old Hamsun is pictured with Aslaug Jullum, daughter of Hamsun’s friend Ole Jullum. According to the biography novel Hennes løgnaktige ytre by Selma Lønning Aarø, the young girl is supposedly Signe Munch Siebke. Wikimedia Commons.
[2] Karen Holtsmark, Mennesket og vilkårene (1935). Copyright: Karen Holtsmark/BONO.