16 – 17 April 2010


Oslo Speculations is a collaboration between Henrik Plenge Jakobsen, The Academy of Fine Arts in Oslo / Linus Elmes and Sverre Gullesen, UKS

Friday, April 16:
14:30 Sverre Gullesen, Linus Elmes and Henrik Plenge Jakobsen
15:00 Jens Haaning
16:00 Marta Kuzma in conversation with Thomas Bayrle
17:00 Sante Poromaa
18:00 Leander Djønne, Ivan Galuzin, Anders Smebye, and Ann-Catrin November Høibo
19:00 Loulou Cherinet
20:00 Danh Vo
21:00 Yngvars conservative kitchen and party
Saturday, April 17:
13:00 Rodrigo Mallea Lira and Ylva Ogland
14:00 Michel Auder
15:00 Pause
16:00 Judith Hopf in conversation with Sladja Blazan
17:00 Jan Freuchen

Oslo_Speculations_2010_Production.zip (1.1mb)

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