Deadline: 17 August 2022, 1pm (Oslo time)
The Open Call 2024 is now closed.
We invite artists based in Norway and internationally to apply to exhibit at UKS in 2024. This year, UKS invites applications for the following formats:
- Four exhibitions in the 2024 programme
- Two grants for artists aged under 35, funded by Snorre Andersen, Maleren Ambrosius Egedius og Hustrus Legat (SAMAEHL)
The application deadline is 17 August 2022, 1pm (Oslo time). The application must be sent digitally. Click here to access the online application form.
Everyone, regardless of citizenship, gender, sexuality, class, ethnicity, physical ability or age is invited to apply for UKS’ 2024 programme. Please note that the open call focuses on emerging and experimental artistic practices, as formulated under the exhibition programme section below.
The application must include:
- A description of the artistic practice, maximum 4,000 characters (with spaces)
- A portfolio, including a maximum of 20 images collated in one PDF, maximum size 6MB (the portfolio should show a breadth of work as well as the direction taken over recent years)
- A CV of maximum 2 pages, as PDF, maximum size 6MB
- A summary describing the artistic practice, maximum 700 characters (with spaces)
Practical information:
- We strongly advise that applicants submit material in good time in case of any technical problems
- Please note that the individual file size of the uploaded documents cannot exceed 6MB
- Considering the large number of applications to be reviewed, we advise artists to make their applications as concise and as clear as possible
- Applicants are not expected to describe concrete plans for an exhibition or the production of work
- The exhibitions will take place at UKS’ new space on Keysers Gate 1, in Oslo’s city centre
- Accepted artists will, per UKS’ standards, receive a production budget as well as an exhibition fee and honorarium
- Applications can be submitted in Norwegian, English, Danish or Swedish
- The file name cannot include the following letters or characters: . & , % # ; ( ) ! @$ ^ ‘ { } [ ] ? < > – ä ö æ ø å
- Questions can be addressed by email to
UKS offers support for the development of your project and covers a fee, honorarium and production costs. In the past, artists have successfully applied for additional funding from the Norwegian Arts Council and other public and private funding bodies. In 2021, the budget for a solo exhibition included:
Fee: 30,000 NOK
Honorarium: 40,000 NOK
Production: 90,000 NOK
Read notes on budget categories under the footnote section below. Depending on available funds, our aim is to maintain this level of payment in 2024. Selected artists will be engaged in ongoing dialogue with UKS’ director/curator. UKS offers administrative support and production management on site and mediates the exhibition through our communication channels.
Artists are invited to apply based on their artistic practice. Please describe and depict existing works and methodologies, and the direction in which the practice has moved in recent years. Applicants are not expected to describe concrete plans for an exhibition or the production of work.
The selected artists enter into a collaboration with UKS on the basis of their ongoing production. UKS aims to mould the institution to the artistic process, and not vice versa.
Eligible artistic practices include solo artists and groups or other constellations and forms of collaboration.
Artists can apply for both sections of the open call.
The UKS Open Call programme focuses on emerging and experimental artistic practices, aiming to provide a platform for the selected artists to present a large-scale exhibition in Oslo, backed by UKS’ production budget and institutional assistance.
The UKS programme features local and international contributors. Traditionally, at least half of the programme has consisted of artists based in or related to Norway.
UKS’ exhibition programme provides financial and curatorial support to artistic practices, whether solo, group or collective. We want to support growth and experimentation.
Snorre Andersen, Maleren Ambrosius Egedius og Hustrus Legat (SAMAEHL) specifically supports young, gifted artists. It must be awarded to artists under the age of 35, unrelated to UKS’ programme, and can only be granted to an individual once. Read more information about the grant at the end of this page. In 2022, UKS announces two scholarships of 50,000 NOK each.
To apply for the scholarship, please submit the same documentation as for the exhibition programme. Tick the box that confirms your application for the grant and confirm that you are under 35 years of age. Recipients of the grant must provide documentation to prove that they were under 35 years of age at the time of submission.
For previous Open Calls, UKS has received up to 450 applications, of which four artists were selected to develop their projects. UKS’ Open Call is evaluated by the UKS jury, consisting of UKS’ director together with four members of the UKS board, all of whom are professional and working artists. The UKS board is chosen by the members at the UKS annual assembly. The jury for the 2024 Open Call is Steffen Håndlykken (chair), Rodrigo Ghattas, Johanne Laache, Kiyoshi Yamamoto and Miriam Wistreich (UKS director).
UKS (Unge Kunstneres Samfund / Young Artists’ Society) is an Oslo-based institution for contemporary art and a Norwegian membership organisation. Founded by artists and for artists in 1921, it has since established itself as one of Norway’s core experimental venues for the arts; convening, exhibiting and supporting critical voices of contemporary artists, with the objective of having both an artistic and political impact within and beyond its region. UKS’ exhibition programme is funded independently of its membership function and does not privilege UKS members.
UKS’ new exhibition space is situated in Keysers Gate 1 in Oslo’s city centre. UKS is a non-profit organisation funded principally by the Norwegian state cultural budget.
Q: I am a member. Why does my profile say that I am not a member?
A: The page has not been updated. Please disregard and continue your application.
Q: Why am I not able to upload attachments?
A: Make sure your file is under 6MB and that the file name does not contain spaces or special signs such as ä ö æ ø å . & , % # ; ( ) ! @$ ^ ‘ { } [ ] ? < > – — If the problem persists, please e-mail
Q: Is ‘summary description of the artistic practice’ the same as ‘description of the artistic practice’?
A: Yes, the ‘summary description of the artistic practice, max. 700 characters’ is simply a shorter version of the ‘description of the artistic practice, max. 4,000 characters’. This is mainly to help the jury in their consideration as we have received a large number of applications in recent years. A good tip is to make sure the shorter one is as clear and descriptive as possible as it is the first thing many jurors will read.
Q: When will I hear from you?
A: The jurying process is planned to take place in September. We hope to let applicants know the results in November.
Q: When is the deadline for the next Open Call after this one?
A: Keep an eye on our website and social media!
Q: Is UKS’ Open Call only open to artists who have not yet had a solo exhibition in Oslo?
A: No, many of our exhibitors have had exhibitions in other venues before showing at UKS.
Q: I am trying to reset my password but the site keeps sending me in a loop. Can you help?
A: We can generate a new password for you. Please email
Q: I have already turned 35. Can I still apply for the SAMAEHL grant?
A: No. You should be maximum 34 years and 364 days old at the time of the application deadline, 17 August 2022.
Q: I am over 35 years old. Can I still apply for the Open Call?
A: Yes! There is no upper age limit for applicants to the exhibition programme.
Q: We would like to apply as a group. Is there a limit of how many group members can apply?
A: Great that you are applying collectively! There is no upper limit but please note that we are still working out how to manage fees for groups and that we are not currently able to multiply individual fees to match groups.
Q: We are applying as a group. Should we attach individual portfolios?
A: We are pleased to receive collective applications at UKS! Please attach one portfolio that gives the jury as clear an idea of the collective practice as possible.
The fee is for exhibition copyright and set to a standard value based on an average value of approximately 1 million NOK per exhibition. The basis for the calculation is the ‘avtale om utstillingsvederlag’ between the artist organisations and the Norwegian state.
Funding for the honorarium comes from a pilot funding scheme by the Norwegian Ministry of Culture and is subject to its continuation in 2024. The honorarium covers non-artistic labour related to the exhibition such as planning, administration, mediation, technical and logistical work. An additional honorarium of 5,000 NOK is available to fund a public event in conjunction with the exhibition.
The production budget covers production of the works and the exhibition. UKS makes available production management, however some additional costs like production assistance, transport and travel may be billed on the production budget.
Snorre Andersen, Maleren Ambrosius Egedius og Hustrus Legat (SAMAEHL) was established as a foundation after the merging of three scholarships associated with UKS Young Artists’ Society: Snorre Andersen’s Grant, Painter Ambrosius Egedius and His Wife’s Grant, and the UKS Bond Fund. In 2020, the foundation was discontinued and the remaining funds transferred to UKS.
The foundation stipulates that: ‘Remaining funds after the decision to discontinue Snorre Andersen, Maleren Ambrosius Egedius og Hustrus Legat (SAMAEHL) will go to grants for young, gifted artists, according to the purpose of the foundation… The remaining funds shall be managed by UKS in line with the foundation’s purpose of awarding scholarships to younger talented artists, and in accordance with guidelines confirmed by the SAMAEHL board.’
The funds are distributed in the form of grants to support young talented artists.