28 August 2019, 7:00pm
Kunstnernes Hus
Do you want to know what the different party policies on Art and Culture are?
Join the pre-election arts policy roast in the foyer of Kunstnernes Hus, Wednesday 28th August at 19:00!
The artist’s unions UKS and BOA will grill local politicians on their priorities and attitudes on the artist economy, the place for art and artists in the city of Oslo, the conditions of small and medium sized arts institutions, and more. The audience will have the opportunity to ask questions directly to candidates to Oslo City Council and the Culture and Educations committee.
Julie Lødrup, Oslo Arbeiderparti member of the City Council, and first secretary in The Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO)
Grete Horntvedt, candidate for Oslo Høyre and member of the City Council Culture and Education Committee
Hallstein Bjercke, Oslo Venstre primary candidate to the City Council
Wanda Voldner, Oslo SV
Rauand Ismail, candidate for Miljøpartet De Grønne and youth candidate elect of Grønn Ungdom
Mikkel Øgrim Haugen, candidate for Rødt Oslo.
The roastmaster for the evening is Ruben Steinum, Oslo-based artist and chair of Norske Billedkunstnere (NBK).
This event is initiated by Unge Kunstneres Samfund (UKS), in collaboration with Billedkunstnerne i Oslo og Akershus (BOA), and Kunstnernes Hus.
Free and open for all!
*This event will be held in Norwegian.

Photos by Julie Hrncirova