5 – 28 November 1999


“Jes Brinch is a Danish visual artist specially invited by UKS due to his artistry’s relevance to the Norwegian public and art world when it comes to mediation and thematics. Brinck shows an installation titled “Only Apparently Real” which mainly consists of a chamber challenging our conception of reality. Using the room, objects, and mirrors he offers an opportunity to contemplate reality.

Lisa Lohne and Adja Arnebäck present the video installation “Trespasser” (“Trängde vi oss på dig eller du dig på oss?”). The recording is made in Berlin 1997 and 1999 and tries to portray the political and mental shifts in boundaries that have occurred since the fall of the Berlin wall. With this work, the artists wish to describe the consumer society’s rules and values as it appears in the capitalist system’s “victory” over the Eastern Bloc.”

Jørn Mortensen

[excerpt, translated]

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