12 November – 12 December 2004
“Gardar Eide Einarsson’s work seems to pose a continual problem for criticism. To begin with, there simply seems to be too little to see and experience in his work – unless by som perverse sensual logic you happen to count meagre replicas of benches, or of skating “ramps” or flimsy photocopied images among your top ten objects of fascination. And what is on offer, visually, seems all at once too lightweight and too bluntly upfront to command the kind of awe you expect from “good exhibitions”. Of course the small gesture also has its place within the contemporary art context. But Gardar Eide Einarsson’s work is far from the romanticism of the ephemeral and the fragmentary as it is from the stringent textual strategies of classic conceptual art – to mention two tendencies that might favour an art of slim visual offerings.”
[Excerpt from Ina Blom: “A Problem of Style: Art vs. Subculture. On the work of Gardar Eide Einarsson.”]
Gardar_Eide_Einarsson_2004_Press.zip (0.3mb)