29 September – 5 November 2000


“Cecilie Nissen shows her painting installation “Flux, Seductive Red” in UKS’ large space. The work covers an entire wall with red aluminum plates painted with thick coats of different orange/magenta nuances and also shaded, highlighting a three diminutional effect. Nissen is concerned with the relationship between the work and the beholder and employs seductive hyper-aesthetic remedies in this exchange between figurative and non-figurative landscapes.

Yngvild Færøy presents a series of thirty framed pencil drawings on paper which together form an organic whole. The motives are half recognizable as ornamental and cryptic symbols, half as representations of physical objects. Færøy also shows a photograph of a dress with a floral pattern against a grey sky, through the fog a cityscape is nearly visible. Her works depict an inclination towards the ornamental world we live in, as in rose painting, hairstyles, and dress patterns together with questions concerning the incomprehensible, indefinable and illogical in this world.”

Jørn Mortensen

[excerpt, translated]

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